Essential insights on floaters: What all you should know

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Eye floaters are generally harmless and are caused by bits of debris in the vitreous, the gel-like substance that fills the eye. However, they can also be an early sign of a serious problem, such as holes in the retina that could lead to retinal detachment. It's important to note that if you experience sudden floaters accompanied by flashes of light or vision loss, it could indicate a medical emergency, and you should seek immediate medical attention.

If you notice an increase in the number of floaters or have concerns about changes in your vision, it's a good idea to schedule a comprehensive eye exam with your eye doctor.

What are Floaters

How are floaters treated?

There are various reasons for the occurrence of floaters, and floaters treatment depends on the underlying cause. If your floaters are caused by any other factor, such as inflammation or breaking of the retina, you may need surgery or laser treatment.

  • Vitrectomy: The ophthalmologist will remove the vitreous through a small incision which is replaced by a solution (silicon oil) to retain the eye shape.
  • Laser Treatment: The ophthalmologist may use lasers to break down the floaters in the vitreous. Breaking down the floaters will make them unnoticeable. However, there is a risk of retina damage in this treatment.

What Experts Say?

Anshul Goyal

Dr. Anshul Goyal

Cataract and Retina Surgeon (CEO)

“Most floaters are harmless and can be ignored, but if you see an increase in the number of floaters, you need to consult with a retina specialist as soon as possible”


Eye floaters are caused by small bits of debris, such as collagen fibers or protein clumps, that float in the clear, jelly-like substance called vitreous, which fills the inside of your eye. As you age, the vitreous gel can become more liquefied, shrink, and stringy, causing shadows or floaters to form on the retina. In some cases, eye floaters can also be caused by eye diseases, injuries, or inflammation.


The complications associated with eye floaters are usually rare but can be serious. In some cases, floaters can be a sign of a retinal tear or detachment, leading to permanent vision loss if left untreated.

If you notice a sudden onset of many new floaters, flashes of light, or a loss of peripheral vision, seek immediate medical attention. The best doctor for floaters is a retina specialist who is experienced and knowledgeable in the diagnosis and treatment of various retinal disorders, including vitreous detachment and posterior vitreous detachment (PVD).

Floaters can also be bothersome or distracting, which may interfere with daily activities or cause anxiety in some individuals. However, in most cases, floaters are harmless and do not require treatment.


Stress doesn’t cause floaters but can worsen symptoms in some people.
Eye drops cannot treat floaters, but they may help to alleviate dry eye symptoms.
Floaters are more common in people over 50 due to age-related changes in the eye's vitreous humor.
Some medications, such as steroids, may increase the risk of developing floaters. Talk to your doctor if you have concerns about medication side effects.
No, surgery is typically only recommended in severe cases of floaters that are causing significant vision disruption. Most people with retinal detachment eye floaters do not require surgical intervention.

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